Baby Animal Themed Art Projects For Kids!


Lots of fun projects inspired by Spring and baby animals - think little lambs, adorable chicks, ducklings, piglets and rabbits!  We have something for every age group!

Collage a Lamb

What You'll Need:

1. Collage the background by cutting paper and gluing it to the paper. 

2. Sketch your lamb on the back of a piece of bubble wrap.  We have a template provided in the studio, or kids are welcome to make up their own!  Cut it out and glue it to your paper.

3.  Paint the bubble wrap lamb using washable paints and a detail brush.

4.  Add any additional details to your scene using cut paper and/or oil pastels. 


PAINTING Watercolor Ducklings

What You'll Need:

1. Sketch out your duck using a pencil/eraser.  We have provided a simple step-by-step duck drawing (see below). Next, outline the duckling using crayons.  Be sure to add fuzzy texture to your animal using the crayons.

2.  Add in flowers and grass using oil pastels & crayons.

3.  Paint in your duck and the background using watercolor paints.  The watercolors will resist the crayon lines. 


What You'll Need:

1.  Make puff balls out of yarn.  See our Halloween blog post to see our step-by-step instructions of how to make a yarn ball here!

2. Add any additional details to the chicks using wiggle eyes, pipe cleaners and glue.

3. Make an environment for your chicks using cardboard and Kwik Sticks.  Make grass by cutting thin strips of construction paper and folding them accordion style. 

PaintING With Baby ANimals

What You'll Need:

  • Washable Fingerpaint (we always like to mix our Crayola fingerpaints with a little white to brighten them up)

  • Paper

  • Plastic animals (We love these animals by Learning Resources. They are great to paint with as well as teaching older kids how to draw)

Dip animals in paint & make them “walk”, “jump” or “run” on the paper.  Experiment making different textures and marks with the different animals.



MAKING Sock Bunnies

What You'll Need:

  • Sock (this is a great use for mismatched socks)

  • Yarn

  • Wiggle Eyes

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Construction Paper

  • Permanent Marker

  • Stuffing for the bunny (we used recycled tissue paper from gift wrap)




Instructions below. 

Here are a few tools we used to make these projects